Flavoring - Beer - Blackberry

Flavoring - Beer - Blackberry

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5 Oz. Bottle. Add after fermentation. Will treat up to 10 gallons of beer or 12 gallons of wine.

$4.99 $9.99 You Save $5.00
SKU 148

Natural Blackberry Flavoring (with other natural flavors) provides excellent fruit flavor without sweetness. Fruit flavoring is an excellent way to add complexity to any beverage or food without the complications and inconsistencies of real fruit.

Advantages over Fruit: Fruit is bulky and takes up lots of space in brewing vessels. Adding fruit can accelerate fermentation and make the process messy and difficult to control. Starches and proteins in fruit can contribute to haze and cloudiness. Fruit can contain active bacteria. And unfermentable material from fruit can undergo chemical changes in bottled beer, causing undesirable changes in flavor and body as the beverage ages. Substituting fruit flavoring for some or all of the fruit in a recipe is often the best solution.

Usage: Add flavoring after fermentation, when the dosage level can be assessed against the flavor of the nearly finished beverage. Dose to taste, starting around 0.25% by volume: 1.6 ounces per 5 gallons of beer, 2 ounces per 6 gallons of wine - then go up from there as desired.

5 Oz. Bottle.

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