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False Bottom - Kettle - MoreBeer! BE304 - 56 Quart 14 Gallon - Reviews

False Bottom - Kettle - MoreBeer! BE304 - 56 Quart 14 Gallon

average rating 100%
Perfect Fit False Bottom 02/24/2018
By James Leininger
I've tried several different solutions, bazooka tube, domed false bottom, etc... finally found these guys and a false bottom made specifically for my kettle. Bingo! Pair this with their center draw dip tube and your false bottom problems are solved forever.
Jaybird False Bottom for MoreBeer BE304 14 gallon brew kettle False Bottom - Kettle - MoreBeer! BE304 - 56 Quart 14 Gallon SKU: 2039 Price: $154.99
15-5/8" false bottom and stand for MoreBeer! BE304 56-Quart (14 gallon) stainless steel kettle.